DivaPouch Retro
Pochette en coton fleuri

Pochette en coton fleuri
Cotton Pouch
Cotton Pouch

DivaPouch Retro
Pochette en coton fleuri

Pochette en coton fleuri
$5.00 Prix régulier
Rangez votre Divacup dans sa propre pochette rétro DivaPouch.
Garde votre Divacup confortable et en sécurité.
  • 8,25 cm x 9,53 cm
  • Coton doux, motif floral
  • Rubans de traction rose
Buy it with image
Diva x Baggu Pochette


Design + Materials

  • 1.

    Design + Materials

    Sloped Basin

    Sloped basin to collect flow and prevent leakage.

  • 2.

    Design + Materials

    Leakproof Shield TM

    Leakproof Shield TM minimizes mid-wear leaks and prevents messy removal.

  • 3.

    Design + Materials

    Removal Tab

    Easy-to-find pull tab for quick & easy removal

  • 4.

    Design + Materials

    Flexible Design

    Smooth and flexible for easy insertion and comfortable fit.

  • 5.

    Design + Materials

    Oval Shape

    Oval shape prevents rotation for mess-free removal.


How to use

  • Care & Cleaning
  • Before first time use
  • Folding Your Cup
  • Insertion

    • Step 1. Care & Cleaning

      Wash your hands, wash your cup

      Before insertion and after removal, you should wash your DivaCup with DivaWash or a mild, unscented, oil-free soap.

    • Step 2 Care & Cleaning

      Hello World

    • Step 3 Care & Cleaning

    • Step 1 Before first time use

      Hello world, again!

    • Step 2. Before first time use

    • Step 1 Folding Your Cup

      Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

    • Step 1 Insertion

      Cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.


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