Vulvodynia, vulva vs. vagina, vulvovaginal health, yeast infections, UTIs, to take or not take cranberry pills or eat the yogurt. The list of things that could or could not go wrong (and questions) about your vulva health may seem endless and confusing — but it doesn’t have to be.
“Knowing about vulva health is really important, and often is overlooked by women [or anyone with a vulva] as well as their general healthcare practitioners,” Lalitha Mcsorley, the leading pelvic floor specialist at Brentwood Physio tells Conscious Cycle, “Which is why I’m such an advocate for empowering people through education.”
One thing is certain: Every vulva-having person should know the true basics of their vulva, vulva health and what it actually means. With the expertise of Mcsorley, we’re here to break down the basics with an ultimate guide to vulva health, below.
Why should someone pay attention to their vulva health?
Vulva health isn’t just a fancy term or one to not look twice at. Paying attention to your health, especially in your most intimate of areas, is a key way to take care of yourself as a whole.
“Vulva health is really important because it plays an important role in sexual health, your reproductive system and your urinary system. It also helps prevent infections,” Mcsorley says, “Keeping the vulva healthy helps maintain hygiene, helps prevent UTIs and can even help with yeast infections.”
As she always tells her patients, listening to your body and checking in every once in a while (with yourself and your healthcare provider) can do wonders.
Does vulva health have an impact on other areas of your body?
Considering closing your eyes and hoping that weird feeling down there will go away? You wouldn’t be the only one. According to one study, 40 percent of people with vulvas wait at least a year before consulting their doctor about vulva or vaginal discomfort. But here at DIVA, we’re big on not waiting.
“What a lot of people don’t realize is that your vulva’s health can have a ripple effect that ends up affecting other areas in your body,” Mcsorley explains, “For example, neglecting the health of your vulva can increase the risk of your getting UTIs or other types of infections.”
Sure, UTIs might seem like a vulva issue in itself, but it’s actually a urethra issue. Left untreated, it can lead to a lot more damage and health issues down the line. So don’t ignore it!
“Readers might find this interesting,” she says, “But vulva health can also play a role in pelvic floor dysfunction which can cause discomfort that can affect your posture and mobility, too.”
What are some things to avoid putting on your vulva?
Looking for sure-fire ways to keep your vulva the healthiest it can be? Let’s start with some things to avoid.
Ditch strong-smelling soaps
“I always recommend patients to stay far away from the following; strong smelling fragrant soaps, body washes and even strong smelling laundry detergents,” she suggests, “These can disrupt the balance of our pH and good bacteria.”
Avoid the tight outfit
“Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing for long periods or wearing fabrics,” she also says, “Like polyesters that do not allow the skin to breathe and promote moisture build-up that can lead to irritation and even infections.”
Put down the douche
“Finally, avoid douching of any kind,” Mcsorley says, “This is very extreme and will almost always disrupt our natural pH and bacteria balance, thus increasing the risk of infection and BV. A good rule of thumb is to keep it simple, with plain water and mild unscented products.”
What to know about your vulva (and not avoid)
Yeah, there may be a lot of things to avoid. But there are a lot of expert-approved tips to gravitate toward, too.
Practice good hygiene
Hygiene is the most important! Now, folks are looking for pH-balanced, non-irritating cleansers made just for the vulva. So consider adding some into your shower routine!
“Make sure to dry your body down properly after bathing, to prevent excess moisture and discourage the build-up of material growth,” Mcsorley adds.
Buy underwear that is pretty and practical
When buying underwear, make smart decisions by buying something pretty and practical. According to her, it’s important to look for breathable underwear — made from 100 percent cotton, for example. That will help prevent your vulva and vagina from becoming irritated or trapping unwanted bacteria.
Don’t skip pelvic floor exercises
“Finally, it’s never too late to start pelvic floor exercises,” she says, “Like Kegels, to support vulvar health by strengthening our pelvic floor muscles.”
When should someone see a healthcare provider?
When in doubt, trust your gut!
“If something doesn’t feel right or you’ve noticed a change, pick up the phone and book an appointment,” she says.
While she encourages patients to do regular self-checks to ensure everything is working as it is supposed to if you notice any of the following, check with your family doctor or a pelvic floor therapist:
Disc form
Unusual discharge
Swelling or pain during intercourse
“Pain during intercourse is not normal,” Mcsorley emphasizes, “It’s often an indication that something is wrong.”
Remember: Knowledge is power. A lot of the issues that arise around vaginal, vulva and pelvic health should always be dealt with as soon as symptoms first arise, so it doesn’t become more complex.